Monday Afternoon - Section A (11-Apr-22)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1134.0 62.04% Maria Pirajno - Metka Agrez (1)0.30
2129.0 59.72% Philip Oldershaw - Anthony Eardley (2)0.21
3128.0 59.26% Joe Peci - Debbie James (4)0.15
4122.0 56.48% Sharon Dyball - Lillian Haagensen (7)0.10
5107.0 49.54% Helen Larsen - Angela Newton (6)0.08
6106.0 49.07% John Frzop - David Chatman (5) 
7105.0 48.61% Kayoko Bredemeyer - Robin Clarke (3) 
8101.0 46.76% Shirley Manlein - Raine Woodhead (10) 
982.0 37.96% Robin Gokavi - Solomon Gokavi (8) 
1066.0 30.56% Glennis McDonald - Barbara Gregory (9) 

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