Welcome to Undercroft Bridge Club.

The Undercroft Bridge Club was formed in 1972 with just 42 members. We now have over 500 members and meet at 20 Ron Chamberlain Drive, Duncraig.

The Undercroft Bridge Club is committed to providing the best possible playing environment where its members always treat each other with respect and dignity. All members are required to comply with the Code of Conduct Click here for details

For playing times refer to "Sessions" above. Visitors are welcome. You do not need a partner Tuesday or Sunday afternoons.

Open sessions are run on various days, refer to "Sessions" for details.

A Novice session for players (less than 100 masterpoints) is run on Friday afternoons and Tuesday Mornings. Refer to "Sessions" for more information.

Saturday morning sessions, also provide supervision and training played in a very relaxed manner. If you know the basics of bridge play, you may attend, without a partner, and join in the fun.

Annual membership fees - $60 home club and Associate $30.

Whether you wish to improve you knowledge or learn the game from scratch, refer to "Lessons" above.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Changes to UBC Bank Account
The club has changed banks to Commonwealth. All membership payments are to be paid to: BSB 06 6192 Account No: 1066 4197 Name: UNDERCROFT BRIDGE CLUB

Undercroft holds lectures on bridge play - please refer to Lessons Tab.

To register for a course please add your name to the Registration list at the club or contact Joanna Tennyson on 0434309525 or [email protected]

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(C) Altosoft and Undercroft Bridge Club 2024
Site template developed by Peter Busch, Altosoft
and content managed by Undercroft Bridge Club 
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