Monday Afternoon - Section A (15-Feb-21)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1134.0 55.83% Philip Oldershaw - Anthony Eardley (1)0.15
2121.0 50.42% Mavis Latham - Joan Rosemeyer (2)0.11
3116.0 48.33% Shirley Manlein - Raine Woodhead (4) 
4115.0 47.92% Dawn Duly - Alan Tolley (5) 
5114.0 47.50% Robin Dawson - Susan Robertson (3) 
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1136.0 56.67% Bill Kemp - Noriko Sakashita (4)0.15
2129.0 53.75% Tuya Cooke - Lilia Male (1)0.11
3126.0 52.50% Connie Coltrona - Margaret Jenkinson (2) 
4117.0 48.75% Joe Peci - Debbie James (3) 
592.0 38.33% Dennis Rodin - John Frzop (5) 

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