Pair 5 EW - Gayle Baillie / Carol De Lobel
Place: 10, Percentage: 37.27%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 18: Carol Kelly / Wendy Wheildon1S E5H780844%  
Board 28: Carol Kelly / Wendy Wheildon2S WJC6-1001056%  
Board 38: Carol Kelly / Wendy Wheildon3H NAS9-140211%  
Board 79: Bev King / Lesley McGlone3H SAC10-170950%  
Board 89: Bev King / Lesley McGlone1S N2C9-140950%  
Board 99: Bev King / Lesley McGlone2S W2H10170317%  
Board 135: Stella Busch / Sunny Phegan3C EJS10130950%  
Board 145: Stella Busch / Sunny Phegan2S W2D5-150528%  
Board 155: Stella Busch / Sunny Phegan2H E4S122301056%  
Board 1611: Debbie Mahony / Sandie Margolius3NT N3C11-46000%  
Board 1711: Debbie Mahony / Sandie Margolius3S WJD91401689%  
Board 1811: Debbie Mahony / Sandie Margolius2D NAS9-11000%  
Board 196: George Belin / Jude Collins3H EJD8-100528%  
Board 206: George Belin / Jude Collins4S S7H10-620211%  
Board 216: George Belin / Jude Collins3D S2H9-1100.11%  
Board 221: Peter McCann / Jane Adams2HX E4C7-200211%  
Board 231: Peter McCann / Jane Adams3NT E7H116601478%  
Board 241: Peter McCann / Jane Adams2S W5D7-501161%  
Board 257: David Pitts / Melissa Underwood2D S8C8-90633%  
Board 267: David Pitts / Melissa Underwood3C WKD10130633%  
Board 277: David Pitts / Melissa Underwood2D NAC8-90844%  
Board 282: Sharon Dyball / Debbie James2C E8C11150425%  
Board 292: Sharon Dyball / Debbie James4S EKH116501594%  
Board 302: Sharon Dyball / Debbie James2C WKH890425%  

Click on the Board Number to display that complete board, or click on a Pair to show that Pair's performance.

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