Pair 3 - Jamie Luxton / William Cox
Place: 4, Percentage: 51.19%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 17: Beata Bieganski / David Cowell1S NKH91406100%  
Board 27: Beata Bieganski / David Cowell2D N8S101306100%  
Board 37: Beata Bieganski / David Cowell3C E2D72006100%  
Board 47: Beata Bieganski / David Cowell4D S6S101306100%  
Board 55: Gill Blakey / Doris Keeble3S WAC7100233%  
Board 65: Gill Blakey / Doris Keeble3C SAH9110117%  
Board 75: Gill Blakey / Doris Keeble2S WKD8-110583%  
Board 85: Gill Blakey / Doris Keeble5D W3S8150467%  
Board 98: Tad Bieganski / Brian Fensome4S W7D116506100%  
Board 108: Tad Bieganski / Brian Fensome3D S7H9-110467%  
Board 118: Tad Bieganski / Brian Fensome2SX EAH6-30000%  
Board 128: Tad Bieganski / Brian Fensome5H NAC10100583%  
Board 136: Alf Surace / Peter Wilson2SX NKD5800467%  
Board 146: Alf Surace / Peter Wilson3NT E2H6-150233%  
Board 156: Alf Surace / Peter Wilson6NT N9H11100467%  
Board 166: Alf Surace / Peter Wilson4S WTD9-100117%  
Board 172: Rona Morrison / Marlene Ammerer3HX WAS6-50000%  
Board 182: Rona Morrison / Marlene Ammerer5S W2C10-5000%  
Board 192: Rona Morrison / Marlene Ammerer4D E2H9-100117%  
Board 202: Rona Morrison / Marlene Ammerer3NT SKH81006100%  
Board 214: Rodney Culbertson / Dermott Doherty3S WJH850233%  
Board 224: Rodney Culbertson / Dermott Doherty2C SAH7-50233%  
Board 234: Rodney Culbertson / Dermott Doherty3NT S6C7-200350%  
Board 244: Rodney Culbertson / Dermott Doherty5C EKD1050233%  
Board 251: Geof Kaye / Barbara Kaye3D EAS8-100467%  
Board 261: Geof Kaye / Barbara Kaye2S S8D7100350%  
Board 271: Geof Kaye / Barbara Kaye1D S2S9-110117%  
Board 281: Geof Kaye / Barbara Kaye3NT N4S11-66000%  

Click on the Board Number to display that complete board, or click on a Pair to show that Pair's performance.

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