Pair 11 NS - Nita Fraser / Dale Robertson
Place: 5, Percentage: 49.77%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 110: Nick Jakowyna / Robin Clarke2S S9S91401062%  
Board 210: Nick Jakowyna / Robin Clarke5D WAH11-400956%  
Board 310: Nick Jakowyna / Robin Clarke2S S8D8110956%  
Board 49: Helen Waters / Rena Gold2H NAD8110850%  
Board 59: Helen Waters / Rena Gold2S S6C112001488%  
Board 69: Helen Waters / Rena Gold3S S7C101701062%  
Board 78: David King / Lesley Gilmour3C S7D6-30000%  
Board 88: David King / Lesley Gilmour3C N6H8-501062%  
Board 98: David King / Lesley Gilmour4H WKS12-680425%  
Board 107: Geoff Gardiner / Diana Martin4H S6D8-20000%  
Board 117: Geoff Gardiner / Diana Martin2C E5D12-1701275%  
Board 127: Geoff Gardiner / Diana Martin2S N6C101701488%  
Board 136: Derek Smart / Teresa Smart3C E3S9-1101488%  
Board 146: Derek Smart / Teresa Smart4S W5C10-420319%  
Board 156: Derek Smart / Teresa Smart2NT S5D9150319%  
Board 165: Jerry Vise / Joan Adams3S W6D9-1401062%  
Board 175: Jerry Vise / Joan Adams2C N6D6-100744%  
Board 185: Jerry Vise / Joan Adams2S EJH7501062%  
Board 194: Dorothy Jones / Mary Gardner2S NTH9140850%  
Board 204: Dorothy Jones / Mary Gardner3NT S2C106301381%  
Board 214: Dorothy Jones / Mary Gardner3D E4S71001488%  
Board 223: Peter Mohen / Shirley Latham3S EAD9-140319%  
Board 233: Peter Mohen / Shirley Latham4S N2D9-100319%  
Board 243: Peter Mohen / Shirley Latham3S SAC10170744%  
Board 3111: LORRAINE CONROY / KERRY FLOAT2C N3S89016100%  
Board 3211: LORRAINE CONROY / KERRY FLOAT4H N9S8-100425%  
Board 3311: LORRAINE CONROY / KERRY FLOAT2S N4H5-15000%  

Click on the Board Number to display that complete board, or click on a Pair to show that Pair's performance.

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