Pair 6 - Megan Allison / Mark Cleaver
Place: 4, Percentage: 53.47%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 15: Karin Pfleger / Ray Pfleger4H E3D950467%  
Board 25: Karin Pfleger / Ray Pfleger5S N2D11650233%  
Board 35: Karin Pfleger / Ray Pfleger1S E2D6100350%  
Board 47: Peter Stephenson / Matthew Bampton5H NAS11-650233%  
Board 57: Peter Stephenson / Matthew Bampton4S E4D10420233%  
Board 67: Peter Stephenson / Matthew Bampton2H SAD750467%  
Board 73: Yulia Koh / Manuela Steinbrecher4HX N8S8-50000%  
Board 83: Yulia Koh / Manuela Steinbrecher1NT WAH5100233%  
Board 93: Yulia Koh / Manuela Steinbrecher3S SKC7-100117%  
Board 101: Louise Berman / Doris Keeble3NT S5C9-600233%  
Board 111: Louise Berman / Doris Keeble4H E9H11450583%  
Board 121: Louise Berman / Doris Keeble4S NTD9100583%  
Board 169: Jamie Luxton / Jacques Bellevret3C N4D12-170233%  
Board 179: Jamie Luxton / Jacques Bellevret2NT S4H9-150233%  
Board 189: Jamie Luxton / Jacques Bellevret3NT E4S94006100%  
Board 198: Nancy McDonald / Lorraine Poynton4H E7S91006100%  
Board 208: Nancy McDonald / Lorraine Poynton2C W4H9-110350%  
Board 218: Nancy McDonald / Lorraine Poynton4S SAH11650233%  
Board 2210: Michele Dixon / Diane Tilvern3C E3H7-20000%  
Board 2310: Michele Dixon / Diane Tilvern4NT N8H82006100%  
Board 2410: Michele Dixon / Diane Tilvern2H W9D81106100%  
Board 252: Bob Philpott / Iris Philpott4S N6D124806100%  
Board 262: Bob Philpott / Iris Philpott2NT W3C8-120233%  
Board 272: Bob Philpott / Iris Philpott3D SAC10130467%  

Click on the Board Number to display that complete board, or click on a Pair to show that Pair's performance.

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