Pair 2 EW - Helen Waters / Rena Gold
Place: 7, Percentage: 48.54%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 16: Bev King / Kerry Goldfinch3NT E4H8-50536%  
Board 26: Bev King / Kerry Goldfinch3S E6H91401179%  
Board 36: Bev King / Kerry Goldfinch2H W3D8110964%  
Board 42: Maurice Delich / Rodney Culbertson3H S2C81001071%  
Board 52: Maurice Delich / Rodney Culbertson3NT S4S12-690321%  
Board 62: Maurice Delich / Rodney Culbertson3NT W5H7-20000%  
Board 77: Nita Fraser / Dale Robertson4H W4C1165017%  
Board 87: Nita Fraser / Dale Robertson2D WAS10130857%  
Board 97: Nita Fraser / Dale Robertson2NT E4H8120643%  
Board 103: Mary Purcell / Lorraine Conroy3D E4H9110964%  
Board 113: Mary Purcell / Lorraine Conroy3D S3S71001286%  
Board 123: Mary Purcell / Lorraine Conroy2S W8D7-501071%  
Board 138: Shirley Latham / Peter Mohen4H N2C91001169%  
Board 148: Shirley Latham / Peter Mohen4S EAH9-501169%  
Board 158: Shirley Latham / Peter Mohen2H SAC71001169%  
Board 164: Kathleen Lewis / Lesley Gilmour3NT E3C8-10000%  
Board 174: Kathleen Lewis / Lesley Gilmour3NT E3H940000%  
Board 184: Kathleen Lewis / Lesley Gilmour5C SAH10100857%  
Board 199: Lesley McGlone / Wendy Wheildon1NT NAH8-120643%  
Board 209: Lesley McGlone / Wendy Wheildon4S EAC116501286%  
Board 219: Lesley McGlone / Wendy Wheildon3C N5H9-110214%  
Board 225: Angie Bloxsome / Lyn Francesconi5D WKS12620857%  
Board 235: Angie Bloxsome / Lyn Francesconi4D EAH9-10017%  
Board 245: Angie Bloxsome / Lyn Francesconi3NT W2D104301393%  

Click on the Board Number to display that complete board, or click on a Pair to show that Pair's performance.

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