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Gwen Johnson Teams (November 2023)
Results after 6 of 6 matchesMatch Imps (click to show VPs)Totals
Place Team M1M2M3M4M5M6   Imps VPs W‑D‑LRed pts
1 BRAHMA (12)22 12 8 12 22 16  92 89.846-0-02.60
2 BIEGANSKI (8)33 -12 25 17 40 -1  102 86.144-1-11.87
3 WILSON (3)-20 6 63 12 -22 2  41 64.454-0-21.48
4 MCCANN (6)-8 35 -8 -12 16 1  24 64.402-1-30.96
5 KOH (5)20 19 2 -12 -40 7  -4 61.974-0-21.10
6 RUBANATHAN (13)1 -10 12 8 -3 -2  6 61.952-1-30.45
7 HAVAS (2)8 36 -2 -17 3 -16  12 61.563-0-30.54
8 COLTRONA (7)-8 10 -25 35 -16 13  9 61.443-0-30.54
9 CLEAR (11)-33 -8 -2 7 1 35  0 59.552-1-30.45
10 READING (10)21 -19 -12 -35 -1 30  -16 55.122-1-30.45
11 WAGNER (9)-1 -35 2 4 13 -7  -24 54.983-1-20.63
12 VEA (4)-22 8 -63 -4 19 -30  -92 42.632-0-40.36
13 STEER (1)8 -36 8 -8 -13 -35  -76 40.702-0-40.36
14 LARSEN (14)-21 -6 -8 -7 -19 -13  -74 35.270-0-6  
Masterpoints are provisional until approved.

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